Just a quick one: how do blogs and the applications used to access them (RSS Readers) change the practice/mode of reading prior to the text? Is it not that they increase the propensity towards extensive, rapid reading rather than contemplation? Is the speed of reading finally achieving parity with the speed of consumption? Does anyone read books anymore, and if so is that now a productive thing in the politics of reading?
I hate them even though I use them. I have over 1000 reads to clear and I miss the design of the many blogs I read, which I think is a central part of the experience.
It's so weird that I miss the design of a blog but I can easily listen to an mp3. I think I'm going to keep using them because their easy to manage but I think it's a horrible way to digest information. But it kills time.
sorry for the spelling bro. I'm way tired post-brisbane.
it's funny i just spent about 3 hours reading everything in my feed and yet i feel no more enlightened about anything. it flew by as quickly as the scroll mouse zips through posts... maybe there's something to the materiality of paper that causes you to fucking absorb it. you can't get a paper cut on a blog reader, and by golly computers just seem to have a sheen, like a reflective sheet that stops you from getting near prose. it's funny with all this recent carry-on about the things that sit upon computers (netz, netz 2.0, mp3, social networks, etc.) that we seem to have gone past the very constitutive features of the interface that so fascinated early CMC researchers. i'm definitly not advocating a return to their, frankly boring, and highly limited mechanistically-modelled approach, but I nevertheless think it's time to consider the materiality of digital interfaces. there's that m word again.
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