Remember? Of course you do - the pain, the scat, the skating, the public humiliation (of both public and actors).
Anyway, it's definitely ripe for analysis, has copped a bit already:
Chivers Yochim, Emily. 'From “Jackasses” to “Wildboyz”: Neverending Adolescence and (De)stabilizing White Masculine Power on MTV', Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, TBA, San Francisco, CA. (see also thesis)
Shanken, Andrew M. 'The Sublime “Jackass”: Transgression and Play in the Inner Suburbs'
Brayton, Sean (2007) 'MTV's Jackass: Transgression, Abjection and the Economy of White Masculinity', Journal of Gender Studies. 16(1): 57-72.
Shafer, Gregory (2005) 'Media and Men: The Making of a Jackass', Reassessing American Culture.
Need to look at - do these articles say 'all' there is to say on the subject? Do they consider its origins in skateboarding 'subculture' and its alternative media aesthetics? Need to consider the primarily physical/affective (and yes, masculinist) dimension from which both emerge, and why they emerged at particular time in history. Look at director cross-over (Spike Jonze), relation to magazines like Big Brother, movie spin-offs (most 'un-movie' movies ever), television show spin offs and pretenders (The Dudesons), the line between reality and 'play acting' (physicality/violence as a kind of flatline assertion of authenticity), homosocial tendencies inherent, etc. etc.
And another thing:
If 'the personal is political', then is the destruction/invasion of the male body some kind of politics?
(Applies equally to skateboarding; does it automatically circumscribe involvement to males? Well, to say this itself is prescriptive, as if physical inevitably = male - look at gender studies of skateboarding)
Which is another way of asking - is there anything good about it? Beyond the level of representation/critique?
I'm not even going to pretend to have read this - you're just going to yell at me for not! who is dronethumbnailmajor??
I love your work...
you're not meant to read here; you're meant to read here.
and i have no idea who s/he is, but they 'follow' me apparently...
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